
With collections you can define a set of filters that is applied to all documents in a repository. The result is a subset of documents that match these rules.

Create lists of products, categories, display articles or elements of a section of your site, collect dates or aggregate sets of data.

Your collections are displayed in the Content Tree. When you click on a collection node, a list of documents matching the collection query will be displayed. The list will be constantly updated as you're adding, removing or making changes to documents.

This makes it easy for editors to recognize and manage content or certain parts of their website or application.

To create complex collections or dynamic filters inside your application, take a look at the API filters documentation.

Collection Endpoints

Each collection provides a REST endpoint to use in your application. You can also add additional or override existing filters when making the request.

For more info see collection endpoints or API filters.

Use the API Explorer tab to inspect a collections result.

Adding Collections

  1. To add a collection you'll need to add a collection node to the Content Tree by clicking or dragging the icon above the tree.

  2. Enter a name for the collection (this will also be the name of the tree node) and an API-Id to define a URL slug for the API endpoint.

After saving, a node will be added to the Content Tree that can be moved or nested anywhere you like. For the API a collection is always unique by its URL slug and it makes no difference where the node is located in the tree.


  1. Right-click the collection node in the tree

  2. Click 'Configuration'.


  1. Switch to the collection view by clicking the tree node.

  2. Click the 'Configuration'-Button on the right top.

Content Type

Choose the type of document the collection rules will be applied to. For multiple types, have a look at API filters.

Include Tags

Add documents to the collections that have the given tags.

Exclude Tags

Exclude documents from the collections that have given tags.

Filters and Conditions

Filters are conditional expressions and can be used like you would write an if statement. You can also use multiple conditions by using AND and OR.

The following field types and operators can be used to create a condition:


Most operators are self-explaining if you are familiar with logical operators. However, here is a quick reference.


To order the list of documents, choose one or multiple fields and a direction for each field.

Field types available for sorting:

  • text

  • richtext

  • number

  • date/time/datetime

  • boolean

  • location

  • select

  • color

Deleting Collections

  1. Switch to the collection view by clicking the tree node.

  2. Click the 'Configuration'-Button.

  3. Find and click the 'Delete Collection'-Button on the bottom of the configuration page.

  4. Confirm.

This will remove the collection node from the tree and disable the endpoint.

Deleting a collection will not delete any documents.

Last updated